Vallisneria "Torta" - Mini Corkscrew

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1 Portion - 1 bunch - 6-12 stems (4-5" Shortest form of Vallisneria)

Vallisneria "Torta" Parameter Summary:

  • Lighting: Vallisneria "Torta" thrives in moderate to high lighting conditions. Provide at least 8-10 hours of light per day for optimal growth and coloration.

  • CO2: While not mandatory, CO2 supplementation can promote faster growth and more vibrant foliage. However, "Torta" can grow well without CO2 injection.

  • Substrate: A nutrient-rich substrate is beneficial for Vallisneria "Torta." Use a substrate specifically designed for planted aquariums to encourage healthy root development.

  • Water Conditions: Maintain stable parameters with temperatures around 72-82°F (22-28°C) and a slightly acidic to neutral pH of 6.5-7.5.

  • Propagation: Propagate "Torta" by runners or dividing the rhizome. Simply separate new plantlets from the parent plant and replant them into the substrate.

  • Growth Habits: Vallisneria "Torta" is the shortest of the Vallisneria family. Features long, twisted leaves with a unique spiral pattern but only gets as tall as 20cm. It grows tall and forms dense stands, making it ideal for background planting.

  • Pruning: Minimal pruning is required. Trim any yellow or damaged leaves close to the base to promote new growth and maintain plant health.

  • Aquascaping Potential: Perfect for creating a lush, green background in the aquarium. "Torta" adds vertical interest and a sense of movement with its twisted leaves.

  • Aesthetic Appeal: The twisted, spiral leaves of Vallisneria "Torta" add a dynamic and eye-catching element to the aquarium. Its deep green coloration provides a soothing contrast.

  • Naturalistic Aesthetic: Mimics the appearance of plants found in freshwater streams and rivers, adding a touch of natural beauty and tranquility to your aquascape.

Enhance Your Aquascape with Vallisneria "Torta":

Vallisneria "Torta" promises to add elegance, vertical interest, and a touch of natural beauty to your aquarium. Order yours today and create a serene underwater landscape that captivates all who behold it!

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We aim to assist you in replicating a natural ecosystem within your aquarium. Cultivating thriving aquatic plants contributes to a visually appealing and vibrant aquarium ambiance.