Roald Als’ Biting Satire

On the occasion of the popular Danish caricaturist’s 70th birthday, we have the pleasure of presenting a theme auction with a handful of sharply drawn works by Roald Als.


Most Danes are familiar with Roald Als' distinct drawings from the newspaper Politiken and magazines such as Blæksprutten (The Octopus) and Svikmøllen (The Vicious Circle), where Als with biting satire has confronted the current social conditions.

With just a few well-placed lines and a dash of colour, his lively drawings produce familiar faces and archetypes in grotesque situations, which nevertheless contain a touch of the political reality.

Analysing 30 Years of Political Mistakes

The illustrator does not hide his own political views and considers his work a sharp analysis of 30 years of political mistakes. Als' drawings demonstrate both his technical skill as an illustrator and satirical deftness as a political commentator. Whether the viewer agrees with the message or not, most people will most likely feel an oncoming smile as they encounter the caricaturist’s representation of the political scene in Denmark – and the personalities who occupy it.


The auction will take place on 3 April from 8:20 pm.

View all the works by Roald Als here


For further information, please contact:

Kathrine Eriksen: +45 8818 1184  ·

Stephanie Ingeman-Petersen: +45 8818 1185 ·