It’s easy to grow your own flowers from seed. Here’s beautiful flowers, growing information & seed collections for gifts.


Welcome to Country Garden Seeds! Flower Seeds for your garden, for cut flowers and for wildlife. Do you dream of a beautiful garden full of scented flowers and buzzing with wildlife? Just sow a few packets of seeds for gorgeous blooms to fill your borders quickly, for cut flowers and food for bees and butterflies. Here are some beautiful and easy plants for you to grow.
There are lots of easy flower seeds to sow and grow in May. You can help your garden wildlife by growing beautiful open-centred blooms. It’s Spring and at last things are warming up outdoors. Spring sown flowers often bloom in just 8-10 weeks so it’s the perfect time to choose what you’d love to see in your garden this year. Checkout Seeds to Sow in May for some inspiration and ideas. Wishing you a very Happy and Flower Filled Spring. Thanks for visiting and Happy Gardening. Gillian 🙂

Didiscus caeruleus 'Lacy Mixed'

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Didiscus 'Lacy Mixed' Seeds

Each 8cm/3 inch flower head is full of tiny star shaped flowers in shades of blue, pink or white. The lacy scented blooms and long stems make Didiscus the perfect plant to add a contemporary touch to your flower arrangements or planting schemes. Didiscus Lacy Mixed is a lovely plant to add to your garden or cut flower patch. You can even grow them in containers to fill any gaps in your borders.

Didiscus originate from Western Australia and like warm conditions so don't sow them too early or sow them indoors. Once the plants are established they are very tolerant of heat and drought and windy situations.

Genus Didiscus caeruleus
Variety Lacy Mixed
Plant Type Half Hardy Annual
Height and Spread 60cm/2 feet tall x 30cm/12 inches wide
Sow Seeds Indoors in March and April or sow direct in a sunny spot when the soil has warmed up in May.
Usually takes 14 weeks from seed to flower.
Thin or Plant Out Plant out in May after the last frosts. If sown direct thin to 30cm/1 foot apart.
Didiscus seedlings resent root disturbance so handle carefully at every stage.
Conditions required Seedlings need plenty of water until well established then they can cope with heat, drought and windy conditions. Choose a sunny spot with well drained soil.
Flower production Didiscus will flower from July until the first frosts as long as you keep cutting the flowers or deadhead them to prevent seeds forming.
Picking Pick flowers when it's cool early in the morning or in the evening when most of the flowers on each head are open. Didiscus blooms last 5 - 7 days in a vase.
Planting Combinations The lacy flowers of Didiscus combine well with other flower shapes such as the spires of Snapdragons, Cornflower buttons and all kinds of daisies.
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