Via the CBC.

“Denmark’s intelligence service says police have foiled an attempt to kill cartoonist Kurt Westergaard — the artist who drew cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad, causing outrage in the Muslim world.”

Let us celebrate the forces of anti-modernity, anti-rationality and anti-intelligence.  The man’s crime against Islam?  He drew cartoons.   Yes, and now he deserves to die:

“akob Scharf, who heads the PET intelligence service, said a 28-year-old Somalian man was armed with an axe and a knife when he entered Westergaard’s home in Aarhus.”

Armed with an axe and a knife, the Somalian man was not there for tea and crumpets.  Pumped up past rationality and reality, this religious fanatic was going to murder someone to clean his imaginary goddouche’s  reputation.

It is actions such of these that further confirm the inanity, cruelty and delusional nature of religion.