Monthly Archives: March 2020

New Species: March 2020

by Piter Kehoma Boll

Here is a list of species described this month. It certainly does not include all described species. You can see the list of Journals used in the survey of new species here.




Phoebe hekouensis is a new magnoliid from China. Credits to Liu et al. (2020).*


Pinguicula rosmariae is a new butterwort from Peru. Credits to Casper et al. (2020).*


Ochraceocephala foeniculi is a new fungus that attacks fennel plants in Italy. Credits to Aiello et al. (2020).*
Lyomyces cremeus is a new wood-inhabiting fungus from China. Credits to Chen & Zhao (2020).*


Chrysogorgia gracilis is a new coral from the Pacific. Credits to Xu et al. (2020).*



Temnocephala ivandarioi is a new temnocephalan from the freshwater crab Valdivia serrata from Colombia. Credits to Lenis et al. (2020).*








Echiniscus masculinus is a new water bear from Borneo. Credits to Gąsiorek et al. (2020).*


Parobisium motianense is a new pseudoscorpion from China. Credits to Feng et al. (2020).*


Epimeria liui is a new amphipod from the Pacific. Credits to Wang et al. (2020).*


Chlidopnoptera roxanae is a new mantis from the Central African Republic. Credits to Moulin (2020).*
Rustitermes boteroi is a new termite from South America. Credits to Castro et al. (2020).*


Didymocorypha libaii is a new mantis from China. Credits to Wu & Liu (2020).*


Cirripectes matatakaro is a new blenny from the Central Pacific. Credits to Hoban & Williams (2020).*


Phrynobatrachus arcanus is a new critically endangered frog from Cameroon. Credits to Gvoždík et al. (2020).*


Smaug swazicus is a new lizard from southern Africa. Credits to Bates & Stantley (2020).*


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*Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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Filed under Systematics, taxonomy

Friday Fellow: Japanese Sea Firefly

by Piter Kehoma Boll

Japanese sea waters can emit a beautiful blue light at night, especially when disturbed. This phenomenon is caused by bioluminescent organism. One of the most famous species that produce light in the sea is the sea sparkle, a dinoflagellate. Here, however, the light is caused by a crustacean, the ostracod Vargula hilgendorfii, known in Japan as 海蛍 (umihotaru, literally “sea firefly”). Thus, the name sea firefly is commonly used to refer to the bioluminescent ostracods of the genus Vargula, most of which live along the North American Pacific coast and the Caribbbean, with Vargula hilgendorfii being the only species to occur in Japan.

Liquid light on a Japanese beach. Photo by Tdub Photo extracted from Kobi Lighting Studio.

As all ostracods, the Japanese firefly is a very small crustacean. Their body measure about 2–3 mm in length and have proportionally large eyes with about 0.2 mm in diameter. They live in the sandy substrate of shallow waters up to 5 m deep, being, therefore, benthonic, and have nocturnal habits.

A male Japanese sea firefly. The black spot is the eye. Extracted from Ogoh & Ohmiya (2005).

The areas where the Japanese sea firefly is found are marked by very strong currents. Since they have a very poor swimming ability, they are not very good to disperse to new areas but at least are able to swim well enough to avoid being carried far away by the currents. Nevertheless, the strong Japan Current seems to have slowly moved the species northward since the last ice age.

Female Japanese sea fireflies are slightly larger than males. When they copulate, they pair by touching their ventral sides while lying in opposite directions, kind of like a yin yang. Being an ovoviviparous species, the eggs remain inside the mother until they hatch, so that the female gives birth to live juveniles. Newborns are much smaller than adults, of course, but otherwise behave exactly like them, so that this species does not have a planktonic larval stage like most crustaceans.

Individual animals glowing on the sand. Photo by Tdub Photo extracted from Kobi Lighting Studio.

The diet of the Japanese sea firefly is composed mainly of debris of all sorts, including dead animals. One of the easiest ways to capture them is simply by placing dead fish as traps in the water at night and waiting for them to come.

When the Japanese sea firefly is disturbed or attacked, it releases a luminous blue cloud. This happens by the ejection of two compounds, the substrate luciferin and its enzyme, luciferase. Luciferase catalyzes the reaction of luciferin with molecular oxygen, which emits the characteristic blue light. There is a reflecting organ near the posterior end of the animal that seems to increase the power of the emitted light, which may improve their ability to escape from predators.

The natural mirror in the Japanese sea firefly’s body can enhance its light. Extracted from Abe et al. (2000).

Luciferase enzymes are of research interest especially as reporter genes. When scientists want to know whether a specific gene is being expressed in an organism, they can attach another gene right after it so that this gene will necessarily be expressed together with the gene of interest. The luciferase of the Japanese sea firefly, usually named Vargula luciferase, has been studied as a reporter gene in mammals. After creating the chain formed by the gene of interest + luciferase and inserting it into a cell, one can know whether the gene is being expressed by applying luciferin to the cells. If they glow blue this means that the gene is indeed being expressed.

As you can see, even a tiny sea creature can have a profound influence on scientific research.

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More Ostracods:

Friday Fellow: Sharp-Toothed Venus Seed Shrimp (on 22 June 2018)

Friday Fellow: Stonewort Seed Shrimp (on 19 July 2019)

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References and further reading:

Abe K, Ono T, Yamada K, Yamamura N, Ikuta K (2000) Multifunctions of the upper lip and a ventral reflecting organ in a bioluminescent ostracod Vargula hilgendorfii (Müller, 1890). Hydrobiologia 419: 73–82. doi: 10.1023/A:1003998327116

Abe K, Vannier J (1995) Functional morphology and significance of the circulatory system of Ostracoda, exemplified by Vargula hilgendorfii (Myodocopida). Marine Biology 124: 51–58. doi: 10.1007/BF00349146

Kobayashi K, Ohmiya Y, Shinohara D, Nabetani T, Niwa H (2001) Purification and properties of the luciferase from the marine ostracod Vargula hilgendorfii. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence: 87–90.

Maeda Y, Ueda H, Hara T, Kazami J, Kawano G, Suzuki E, Nagamune T (1996) Expression of a Bifunctional Chimeric Protein A-Vargula hilgendorfii Luciferase in Mammalian Cells. BioTechniques 20: 116–121. doi: 10.2144/96201rr01

Ogoh K, Ohmiya Y (2005) Biogeography of Luminous Marine Ostracod Driven Irreversibly by the Japan Current. Molecular Biology and Evolution 22(7): 1543–1545. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msi155

Thompson EM, Nagata S, Tsuji FI (1989) Cloning and expression of cDNA for the luciferase from the marine ostracod Vargula hilgendorfii. PNAS 86(17): 6567–6571. doi: 10.1073/pnas.86.17.6567

Thompson EM, Nagata S, Tsuji FI (1990) Vargula hilgendorfii luciferase: a secreted reporter enzyme for monitoring gene expression in mammalian cells. Gene 96(2): 257–262. doi: 10.1016/0378-1119(90)90261-O

Vannier J, Abe K (1993) Functional Morphology and Behavior of Vargula Hilgendor Fii (Ostracoda: Myodocopida) From Japan, and Discussion of Its Crustacean Ectoparasites: Preliminary Results From Video Recordings. Journal of Crustacean Biology 13(1): 51–76. doi: 10.1163/193724093X00444

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Filed under crustaceans, Friday Fellow, Zoology

Friday Fellow: Grasshopper Nematode

by Piter Kehoma Boll

About one and a half year ago, I presented the long and thread-like wood cricket’s worm, a parasite that can control the behavior of the wood cricket and leaves its body once becoming an adult. The wood cricket’s worm belongs to the phylum Nematomorpha, commonly known as horsehair worms. They are closely related to phylum Nematoda, the roundworms. And just like horsehair worms, roundworms also love to infect crickets and grasshoppers.

One of those species is Mermis nigrescens, known as the grasshopper nematode. This worm can be found all over the world where grasshoppers exist, although they seem to be more common in Eurasia and the Americas.

An adult, gravid female. Photo by wikimedia user Beentree.**

Adults of the grasshopper nematode live in the soil and are very large for a nematode. Males measure about 5 cm in length and females can reach 20 cm, which is much larger than most nematodes that infect insects. They are, therefore, very similar to horsehair worms in appearance and behavior. The body has a smooth surface and a pale brown color, with females having a red spot on their head, the chromatopore, which functions like an eye.

After adults mate in spring or summer, males usually die but females remain in the soil through fall and winter and emerge in the following spring after a rainfall. They show a black stripe running along the body that is caused by thousands of eggs inside. They climb the nearby vegetation, up to 3 m above the ground, and lay their eggs, which measure about 0.5 mm in length, on it.

A female climbing the vegetation. Photo by Wikimedia user Notafly.**

In order to be able to climb the vegetation, female grasshopper nematodes show positive phototaxis, i.e., they are attracted by light sources, which is the opposite of what happens with most nematodes that have eyes. In fact the female’s eye, the chromatopore, is a single structure, like a single eye, and seems to have evolved independently from other nematode eyes. Its red color is caused by a hemoglobin, like the one that makes our blood red, but in this case it seems to function as a light receptor.

A closeup of the female eye and a transverse section through it. Extracted from Burr et al. (2000).*

When the eggs are ingested by an orthopteran insect (usually a grasshopper but sometimes a katydid), they hatch almost immediately. The young worm pierces the grasshopper’s gut and enters its hemocoel, the “blood cavity” of the body.

An adult around its dead host, a katydid. Photo by Wikimedia user Beentree.**

There, the worm develops by absorbing nutrients from the insect’s blood directly through its cuticle. This leads to serious depletion in the insect’s levels of blood sugar, especially trehalose (the insect storage sugar) and body proteins. After reaching 5 cm or more in size, they leave the insect, killing it in the process, and continue their development in the soil until reaching the adult stage and starting the cycle all over again.

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Burr AHJ, Babinzski CPF, Ward AJ (1990) Components of phototaxis of the nematode Mermis nigrescens. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 167: 245–255. doi: 10.1007/BF00188117

Burr AHJ, Hunt P, Wagar DR, Dewilde S, Blaxter ML, Vanfleteren JR, Moens L (2000) A Hemoglobin with an Optical Function. Journal of Biological Chemistry 275: 4810–4815. doi: 10.1074/jbc.275.7.4810

Burr AHJ, Schiefke R, Bollerup G (1975) Properties of a hemoglobin from the chromatrope of the nematode Mermis nigrescens. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Protein Structure 405(2): 401–411. doi: 10.1016/0005-2795(75)90105-1

Gordon R, Webster JM (1971) Mermis nigrescens: Physiological relationship with its host, the adult desert locust Schistocerca gregaria. Experimental Parasitology 29(1): 66–79. doi: 10.1016/0014-4894(71)90012-9

Rutherford TA, Webster JM (1974) Transcuticular Uptake of Glucose by the Entomophilic Nematode, Mermis nigrescens. Journal of Parasitology 60(5): 804–808. doi: 10.2307/3278905

Rutherford TA, Webster JM (1978) Some effects of Mermis nigrescens on the hemolymph of Schistocerca gregaria. Canadian Journal of Zoology 56(2): 339–347. doi: 10.1139/z78-046

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**Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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Filed under Friday Fellow, Parasites, worms, Zoology

Friday Fellow: Arctic Woolly Bear Moth

by Piter Kehoma Boll

Last week I introduced the arctic willow, an unusual willow that lives as a creeping plant in the Arctic and, as I mentioned then, many species feed on this small plant. One of this species is Gynaeophora groenlandica, known as the arctic woolly bear moth.

As it is common among lepidopterans, the caterpillars of the arctic woolly bear moth feed mainly on only one species, in this case the arctic willow. But they are much more than only a caterpillar feeding on an unusual plant.

An arctic woolly bear moth among the branches of an arctic willow. Photo by Fiona Paton.*

Inhabiting greenland and the islands of Canada, the arctic woolly bear moth lives in an extreme environment in which temperatures are very low during most of the year. As a result, it is unable to remain active during several months and, like many arctic species, it hibernates.

In most of the world, the caterpillar of the arctic woolly bear moth would be considered of an average size but in its environment it is a relatevely large insect. Its body is covered by soft and long hair which varies from a reddish-brown to a dark-brown color. Adults have a grayish color with a hairy abdomen.

An adult waiting to mate. Photo by iNaturalist user pat_lorch.**

The adults mate and lay eggs around the end of June. The eggs hatch very quickly and the small first-instar larvae start to eat on arctic willow leaves but during July the temperatures start to drop quickly and the very small larvae prepare to hibernate. They spin a silken hibernaculum, a shelter to hibernate, and enter diapause, remaining inactive until June of the next year. When the snow starts to melt, they wake up, start to feed again and molt, reaching the second instar before the end of June. Then they spin another hibernaculum and enter diapause again. This cycle continues for the next years until they reach the 8th year since they hatched.

A caterpillar waking up in its hibernaculum. Photo by iNaturalist user pat_lorch.**

In that year, the caterpillars molt into pupae, which develop into adults in about a week. The adults then mate, lay their eggs, the eggs hatch and new first-instar larvae restart the cycle. Hatching in late June of the first year and mating and dying in mid June of the 8th year, the arctic woolly bear moth completes its life cycle in about 7 years, but this is restricted to 3 only weeks each year. They spend more than 90% of their life as hibernating caterpillars.

Two adults mating in June. Photo by iNaturalist user pat_lorch.**

It is not easy to be a moth in the cold Arctic. And the arctic woolly bear moth must not only survive the harsh winters but is always threatened by parasitoids, because we all know that those damn creatures exist everywhere.

And with such a specialized life cycle, what could happen with the arctic woolly bear moth now that the temperatures in the Arctic are rising? Will it survive what we have done with Earth’s climate?

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Morewood WD, Ring RA (1998) Revision of the life history of the High Arctic moth Gynaephora groenlandica (Wocke) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 76:1371–1381.

Morewood DW, Wood MD (2002) Host utilization by Exorista thula Wood (sp. nov.) and Chetogena gelida (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tachinidae), parasitoids of arctic Gynaephora species (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Polar Biology 25: 575–582. doi: 10.1007/s00300-002-0382-y

Wikipedia. Gynaephora gronelandica. Available at < >. Access on February 9, 2020.

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*Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License.

**Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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Filed under Entomology, Friday Fellow

Friday Fellow: Arctic Willow

by Piter Kehoma Boll

Whenever one hears to word “willow”, the image that comes to mind is of a nice tree such as the weeping willow and the white willow . The genus Salix, however, includes hundreds of species, and some of them look very different from a weeping willow.

One of those peculiar species is Salix arctica, the arctic willow. As its name suggests, the arctic willow grows far north in the world, in the Arctic region. It is, in fact, the northernmost woody plant in the world, occuring in Eurasia and North America. Its distribution extends beyond the so-called tree line, which marks the northern limit in which trees can grow. As a result, despite being a willow, the arctic willow is not a tree. Actually it is so small that even calling it a shrub is weird.

Arctic willow growing in Canada. Photo by Zack Harris.*

The arctic willow lives as a creeping plant, growing very close to the ground and usually growing up to 15 cm in height, although it may reach 25 cm in warmer places or, in some exceptional cases, 50 cm. It as small hairy leaves and, like all willows, male and female flowers occur in separate plants, i.e., the arctic willow is a dioecious species.

Heavily hairy female catkins with the red pistils clearly visible. Photo by iNaturalist user mayoung.*

Flowers occur in the typical catkin inflorescence of willows and many other trees and are pollinated by insects. Female catkins are hairier than male ones and have somehow conic carpels with a dark-red pistil. Male catkins have very visible stamens with red anthers that turn yellow when they become covered by the released pollen.

Male catkin with the red anthers. Photo by iNaturalist user ivyevergreen.*

Despite its small size, the arctic willow is a very important plant in many aspects. It is an important, and sometimes the solely, food source of many arctic species. Among humans, it has a major role in Inuit and Gwich’in cultures, being used as fuel, medicine and sometimes even as food.

A specimen growing in Russia. Photo by Елена Шубницина.*

The arctic willow can live more than 80 years and, as it is a woody plant living in a very extreme environment, it produces growth rings like an ordinary tree and they have recently been proved to be a good source on climatic data of the Arctic.

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Kevan PG (1990) Sexual differences in temperatures of blossoms on a dioecious plant, Salix arctica: Significance for life in the Arctic. Arctic and Alpine Research 22:283–289. doi: 10.1080/00040851.1990.12002792

Schmidt NM, Baittinger C, Forchhammer MC (2006) Reconstructing century-long snow regimes using estimates of High Arctic Salix arctica Radial Growth. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 38: 257–262. doi: 10.1657/1523-0430(2006)38[257:RCSRUE]2.0.CO;2

Schmidt NM, Baittinger C, Kollmann J, Forchhammer MC (2010) Consistent Dendrochronological Response of the Dioecious Salix arctica to Variation in Local Snow Precipitation across Gender and Vegetation Types. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 42: 471–476. doi: 10.1657/1938-4246-42.4.471

Woodcock H, Bradley RS (1994) Salix arctica (Pall.): its potential for dendroclimatological studies in the high Arctic. Dendrocronologia 12: 11–22.

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Filed under Botany, Friday Fellow

New Species: February 2020

by Piter Kehoma Boll

Here is a list of species described this month. It certainly does not include all described species. You can see the list of Journals used in the survey of new species here.


Teredinibacter waterburyi is a new endosymbiotic bacterium from the gills of the mollusk Bankia setacea. Extracted from Altamia et al. (2020).


Dilochia deleoniae is a new orchid from the Philippines. Credits to Tandang et al. (2020).*


Flower of Solanum hydroides a new solanum species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Credits to Gouvêa et al. (2020).*


Curvularia nanningensis is a new pathogenic fungus from the lemon grass in China. Credits to Zhang et al. (2020).*





Craspedotropis gretathunbergae is a new snail from Brunei. Credits to Schilthuizen et al. (2020).*


Haliella seisuimaruae is a new snail that lives as a parasite on sea urchins in Japan. Credits to Takano et al. (2020).*




Male (left) and female (right) of Asianopis zhuanghaoyuni, a new spider from China. Credits to Lin et al. (2020).*


Eocuma orbiculatum is a new cumacean from the South Sea of Korea. Credits to Kim et al. (2020).*


Lebbeus sokhobio is a new abyssal shrimp from the Sea of Okhotsk, between Russia and Japan. Credits to Marin (2020).*
Phyllium nisus (left) and Phyllium gardabagusi (right) are two new leaf insects from Indonesia. Credits to Cumming et al. (2020).*


Sporades jaechi is a new beetle from New Caledonia. Credits to Liebherr (2020).*
Oenopia shirkuhensis is a new lady beetle from Iran. Credits to Khormizi & Nedvěd (2020)*.



Ammoglanis obliquus is a new catfish from northern Brazil. Credits to Henschel et al. (2020).*


Female (left) and male (right) of Nidirana guangdongensis, a new frog from China. Credits to Lyu et al. (2020).*


Opisthotropis hungtai is a new snake from China. Credits to Wang et al. (2020).*

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*Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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Filed under Systematics, taxonomy