Topless Boudoir | Why You Should Consider It

Why is being topless or nude such an issue? I get it. Some people think it’s sinful, and that’s totally ok if that’s how you feel. If that’s the case though, you may need to stop watching boudoir feeds cause, well, that’s part of the fun in it.

When I first started boudoir, I’ll admit that I was nervous to capture ladies when then didn’t want to wear the lingerie. I’m naturally an “empath” so when my clients used to get nervous, I would pick up on their emotions and be nervous as well.

topless boudoir spokane

With time and forcing myself to photograph more ladies topless or in the nude, it’s no different to me now. I can photograph a woman in a sweatshirt vs a woman completely naked and feel no difference. Well, maybe a little bit. I would hate the sweatshirt. Not flattering at all, lovies… Don’t wear a sweatshirt. Please?

Anyway, as I ramble, I’ll attempt to get to my actual point.

You do not have to be topless, or rock your birthday suit for your session but you should at least consider it.

topless photoshoot spokane


Past Clients Feelings

All of my clients have raved about going topless or nude for the final portion of their shoot. They said, “Well, I’m here. Might as well try.” Or some would say that there would never be another point in their lives where this opportunity would be available to them again, so “why not?”

After their session and when they see their photos, they ALWAYS buy a few of their topless or nude photos. They’re always glad they did it not just for the photograph but because they pushed their boundary a bit which can feel amazing when it’s something you rarely do.

topless photo with fishnets

My Nude Experience

I’m not going to lie. It can be scary for some of us to throw caution to the wind and strip down naked. I don’t blame you for the hesitancy!

Last summer I let a fellow boudoir photographer (and friend) capture a 100% nude shoot with me as the model and it was terrifying but thrilling at the same time.

My philosophy is that we have one life and if we want to try something, DO IT. I don’t want to live with regret.

I’m 33. I’m pretty happy with my body as it is but in another 10 years I may not. Why not document it now?

Anyway, rant is over.

If you want to stay covered for your shoot, you rock that and don’t be ashamed if you don’t wanna show more skin. Mystery is 100% sexy and lovely too.

But if you’re even sorta thinking you want to do it, what better time than now, love.

Topless Tuesdays anyone?

Chat with me if you have questions! Would love to hear from you. XO