Dendropemon purpureus

Dendropemon purpureus (L.) Krug. & Urb.

Synonym: Dendropemon brevipes

Common Names: Smooth Mistletoe

Family: Sanatalaceae

Habit: Dendropemon purpureus grows as a parasite on other trees and shrubs with round, non-scaled, stems.  The leaves are arranged oppositely, to 6 cm in length, obovate to oblanceolate with a round to obtuse to acute and mucronate leaf apex.

The complete, perfect, actinomorphic flowers are arranged in racemes. Each flower is subtended by a cup shaped set of bracts. The calyx has 5, fused into a cup, sepals.  The corolla has 6, red, fused at their base, petals with their inner surface covered in conical bumps.  There are 3 stamens and 3 staminodes fused to the corolla.  The ovary is inferior with 6 locules and numerous ovules. The fruit is a blue/black (sometimes red at the base) berry at maturity.

Habitat: Dendropemon purpureus grows on Swietenia mahagoni, Acacia, Catalpa, Hippomane, and others.

Distribution: Dendropemon purpureus occurs on many of the island groupings in the Lucayan Archipelago as well as the Greater Antilles (except Jamaica).

Medicinal/Cultural/Economic usage: Dendropemon purpureus is known to be used medicinally in the Lucayan Archipelago to treat pain and fish poisonings, to cause miscarriages, and in strengthening teas.