What happened to the Hovercraft?

Henri Coorevits
2 min readDec 14, 2022

The hovercraft, a type of vehicle that uses a cushion of air to “float” above the ground, was once a popular mode of transportation. However, in recent years, the hovercraft has fallen out of favor and is no longer commonly used.

The hovercraft was invented in the 1950s by a British engineer named Christopher Cockerell. The first hovercraft, called the SR.N1, was able to carry passengers across the English Channel. In the following decades, hovercraft were used for a variety of purposes, including military operations, rescue missions, and passenger transport.

However, the hovercraft had several drawbacks that made it less popular over time. For one, they were expensive to operate and maintain. They also required a large amount of fuel, which made them environmentally unfriendly. Additionally, the cushion of air that the hovercraft rode on could be disrupted by rough or uneven terrain, making them difficult to control in certain conditions.

As a result, the hovercraft fell out of favor and was replaced by other forms of transportation, such as high-speed ferries and hoverboards (which are not true hovercraft, as they do not use a cushion of air). Today, hovercraft are still used in some niche applications, such as icebreaking and search and rescue operations, but they are no longer a common sight.

In conclusion, the hovercraft was once a groundbreaking technology, but it has fallen out of favor due to its high cost, environmental impact, and limitations in certain conditions. While it may still be used in some specialized applications, it is no longer a widespread form of transportation.



Henri Coorevits

I'm a 23 yo Data Science student from Belgium🇧🇪, passionate about AI🤖, Space🚀, Energy⚡️, Science🧪 and Finance🏦. Excited about the future!