Why Am I Going Gaga Over Amanda Tapping?

For the past week, I’ve been stuck with the thoughts of Amanda Tapping. I’m not sure as to why since I’ve only have seen only two episodes of Stargate: SG1. I’ve never see Amanada in Stargate: Atlantis or for that fact any other work. Now, come October 2, on the… uhm, as I write this I spit on the floor, the SCIFI CHANNEL, Amanda has a new series called Sanctuary. That’s when I got… the feeling. (cue the dramatic music.) Amanda is now longer a blonde but back to a brunette with longer hair. The picture below is a very hot looking Amanda and while she shows nothing, (plus I’ve seen those pictures already.) she is WOW. On that point alone, I will watch the first show much like how Jeri Ryan made Voyager watchable. We will see. What do you think?

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