Wycinanki #004: The Picture

By now you have got enough bits and pieces to make your own Wycinanki papercut. Find a large piece of cardboard and arrange your Flower Heads, Buds, Leaves and the Central Base in a symmetrical pattern around the vertical centre line. For inspiration I include three layouts.

The stems you must cut free hand when you have decided where the flowers shall be placed.

Yes! The pictures are but computer mockups. I foresee I shall spend hours deciding on the prettiest colour combinations.

8 thoughts on “Wycinanki #004: The Picture

  1. Again you just amaze me with your talent. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! What a great idea for a gift for someone. Paula

  2. Your completed wycinanki are beautiful! I’m going to try it myself…your patterns have so inspired me! Thank you very much. Jeanette

  3. I know it is similar to vytynanky which is Ukrainian Folk art. I wonder if it is the same thing? Because with vytynanky it is one continuous picture, you cut it once, unfold it and there it is… These are beautiful!

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