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Since the middle of June, there have been 11 more rip current related fatalities just along the Alabama and Flordia Gulf Coast. The number of deaths could be reduced by taking some precautions.

From 2002 to 2022 rip currents caused more fatalities along the Gulf Coast than tornadoes, lightning, tropical systems and flooding. This is why it is so important to understand the risks before heading to the beach.

A rip current is a strong current of water rushing away from the shoreline. This strong current often pulls swimmers out into deeper water, where it can be difficult to stay afloat.

Know that even experienced swimmers can be pulled out by rip currents. if you find yourself in a rip current, swim parallel to the shore to escape it. If you can not swim out of the rip current, wave your hands and scream for help.

Know your risk before you head to the beach. Check for the beach flags that are posted at most beaches along the Gulf Coast. This system will tell you about water conditions for the day, and whether or not you need to stay out of the water. Always remember to follow the flags and the instructions of the lifeguards to stay safe at the beach.

Be sure to add your favorite beach destination to our Live Alert 19 app, for the latest forecast.