Distinguished Travel Hacker

Travel Tips From a Rock Star Who Flies 500,000 Miles a Year

Alison Mosshart has the jet set life all figured out. Here’s what to look for in hotels, the supplements to pack and souvenirs to buy, and why cameras and road trips are the key to happiness.

Alison Mosshart, of the Kills, performs at the Buckhead Theatre in Atlanta.

Photographer: Paul R. Giunta/Getty Images North America

Alison Mosshart is a member of not one but two rock groups: She’s long been lead singer of the Kills, next to Jamie Hince, and is also part of the Jack White-led supergroup the Dead Weather. Mosshart is also an accomplished artist and author.

Her latest project combines many of those passions: a multimedia book, CAR MA. The 500-copy limited edition sold out earlier this summer, so Mosshart is re-releasing it just in time for Christmas. The love letter to autos is a fitting work from the daughter of a car dealer. “It’s all about traveling and being on the road and automobiles and art and music. It’s my life in a book, really.”