Lathyrus odoratus, 'Cupid' Mixed

Sweet Pea

Lathyrus odoratus, 'Cupid' Mixed
Price: £2.65
Attractive to pollinatorsPerfect for cutting
    Quite distinct from the other Old-Fashioned varieties listed, 'Cupid' Sweet Peas are true dwarves. The parent 'Pink Cupid' is a delightful plant originally occurring in the USA in 1895. We offer a formula mix of all eight colours, including pink, cherry, lavender, rose and mahogany. These will all make lovely plants for the front of the border or make charming pot plants. 1ft (30cm)

    Rather surprisingly, for such a well-known flower, the origins of Lathyrus odoratus are shrouded in mystery and its country of origin is not known. The flower was first introduced into this country from Sicily in 1699 where wild specimens have also been collected relatively recently. In addition, similar plants have been collected in South America, but all these are suspected of being garden escapes. From these "original" plants were developed what were known as the grandiflora but are now generally called the Old-Fashioned Sweet Peas. Grow them and we think you will agree that they thoroughly justify a place alongside the modern varieties - although the flowers are smaller, they are more dainty and are borne in profusion - once flowering starts, some can be picked every day, even sometimes until October (provided you don't let them go to seed). Their colours are more intense and glowing, and their scent - strong and heady - is in a different league. Fairly hardy throughout the British Isles.

    Needs, we hope, no introduction; only to say that no garden should be without some, if only to supply the house with constant cut flowers. The more you pick, the more they produce and a vase of Sweet Peas is a welcoming sight – and perfume – in any room. Although a great deal of energy has to be expended growing blooms for exhibition purposes, lesser mortals will achieve satisfying results by little more than the sow and forget technique - insert forefinger about one inch into the soil (for our purposes here worry not as to its condition), drop in a single seed, cover and rush indoors to pop the kettle on!)

    Genus: Lathyrus

    Species: odoratus

    Variety: 'Cupid' Mixed

    Family Name: Leguminosae/Fabaceae

    Seed Catalogue No.: 763Z

    English Name(s): Sweet Pea

    Hardiness: Hardy

    Lifecycle: Annual

    Suitable for: Summer Bedding, Cut Flowers, Baskets & Containers

    Colour: Mixed

    Flowers: May, June, July, August, September, October

    Lighting Conditions: Full Sun

    Soil Type: Sand, Loam

    Soil Acidity: Alkaline, Neutral, Acid

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    Germination Instructions

    Sow indoors Autumn-Spring. Sow directly after danger of frost has passed. Prior to sowing soak seed for 24 hours. Drain. Indoors, sow 3 seeds in 8cm pot, 10mm deep into moist well-drained soil. Propagate 20-25°C. Germination takes 7-21 days. Once germinated grow on in cooler conditions. Acclimatise and plant out after danger of frost has passed. Directly, sow into drills of prepared soil, 25mm deep, 8cm spacing.

    Growing Instructions

    Pinch out the growing points of each stem when 2nd pair leaves have opened for bushier growth. Prefers a moist but well drained soil in full sun. Will require a framework on which to climb. Allow 2 plants per frame. Feed and water regularly.

    Cultivation Instructions

    Deadhead frequently to prevent seedpods developing and to extend the flowering period.

    When to Sow

    • Sow Under Cover/Plant Indoors
    • Direct Sow/Plant Outdoors
    • Flowers/Harvest

    Approximate number of seeds per packet: 28

    Please note we pack the majority of our seeds by volume so the number of seeds indicated is only an approximation.