Workbook Creative, Inc.

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Fox And Hens 

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Sunny Bunny

illustration of fairy tale, blue and white patterned fox, ornate, green and white bird, blue and white bird, flowers blooming,  butterfly, female, spirituality, mystical mysticism, graphic, fantasy, shapes and patterns, organic, inverse color patterns, grey background, monochromatic, feminine, fantasy, dreamy, dream world,  nature, plant, flower petals, intricate shapes, youth, children book, products, holiday, Scandinavian design
Next illustration of asymmetrical design, asymmetry, wildness foraging, healthy eating, flowers blooming,  female, spirituality, mystical, mysticism, stylized, fantasy, shapes and patterns, organic, inverse color patterns, black background, monochromatic, feminine, dreamy, wild life, nature, plant, flower petals, intricate shapes, butterfly, ornate, dragonfly, edible plants, tea, health, Scandinavian design

Medicinal Plants

fairy tale, blue and white patterned fox, ornate, green and white bird, blue and white bird, flowers blooming, butterfly, female, spirituality, mystical mysticism, graphic, fantasy, shapes and patterns, organic, inverse color patterns, grey background, monochromatic, feminine, fantasy, dreamy, dream world, nature, plant, flower petals, intricate shapes, youth, children book, products, holiday, Scandinavian design

Keywords: Design, Digital, Graphic, Mixed Media, Stylized, Decorative, Floral, Whimsical, Animals, Wildlife

© Lisa Grue