Harveya purpurea, Cape Point -2008

Harveya purpurea, Cape Point -2008

Observation - Harveya purpurea, Cape Point -2008 - Southern Africa. Description: Quite a few, seen after a fire on a sandy spot alongside the road to The Point. Illustrated in Mary

Quite a few, seen after a fire on a sandy spot alongside the road to The Point.
Illustrated in Mary Maytham Kidd,
Fernkloof entry: https://www.fernkloof.org.za/index.php/all-plants/plant-families/item/harveya-purpurea
They mention the host plants: Host plants are various fynbos shrubs especially in the Campanulaceae family, such as Roella and Wahlenbergia.
There is a Roella in some of the pics - I'll crop it and add as an interaction.