LIVE: Meet The New Miss North Dakota 2023

The brand new Miss North Dakota has a busy year ahead of her


The brand new Miss North Dakota has a busy year ahead of her.

Sydney Helgeson won the title less than two weeks ago. Since then she’s been touring the state introducing herself to a lot of people.
Helgeson graduated from the University of Alabama this spring, so she says the timing is perfect to launch into her new gig.
Helgeson’s platform is “Live United” working with the United Way.
It’s something she did last year as Miss Red River Valley Fair, and she’s excited to make that partnership even stronger.

She adds, “I got to work with them a little bit. In May, I came out for their poverty simulation that they put on and their big day of action, so I was out at the Great Plains Food Bank sorting food. I actually have a meeting with them later this afternoon to kind of figure out, now that I’m Miss North Dakota, what our partnership can really expand to, so I’m excited about that.”

Helgeson says she’s still wrapping her head around being named Miss North Dakota and hasn’t given much thought yet to the Miss America pageant set for next January.

Categories: Local News, Morning – In The Studio