The Story of Holger Danske.

The Story of Holger Danske.

In 2017 I started a new business called "Holger Danske ltd" just before Molly was born (It's a property development company).

Today, finally we completed on the first project a 5 bed HMO conversion! It took 9 months!

I get asked a lot what the name means and what it's significance is?

So here's the story of Holger Danske.

Having a fairly risky few years in Extreme sports and then an amazing daughter made me think a lot about legacy, not just mine but my families and the legacy of the businesses I have formed. With this in mind you will soon see a lot of videos/content about the Legacy of The Warrior Academy (and how we aim to make a Global Impact).

So why Holger Danske ltd?

A large part of my family are from Denmark, I'm half Danish (Mum's side). My Grandfather Flemming Kieler and his Brother Jorgen Kieler played a huge role in the Danish Resistance in WW2. They were part of the group called Holger Danske.

The resistance group chose Holger Danske as it's the name of a mythical Danish Viking that is said to live in the sea surrounding Denmark, rising up to protect the country.

Growing up my childhood was filled with their stories of blowing up Nazi railways, factories and bridges, spreading propaganda despite terrible consequences, working closely with the British Military, helping hundreds of Jews escape in fishing boats to Sweden and terrible stories of survival inside concentration camps after capture.

Freedom, Bravery, courage, principles and strength of character; all passed on to me as incredibly high values.

Both incredible role models who survived by working together, barely making it out of the concentration camps when The Red Cross free'd them.

(Read more here:

They returned to their studies as Doctors after the war and went on to write books, give talks at universities around the world and serve their communities as surgeons and in Cancer Research. They went on to live full and happy lives (almost making it to 100!) And raise a big family. They were an important part of my childhood as was/is their legacy.

So, Holger Danske is their legacy, which I intend to pass on to my children, the impact my family made, their strong principles, courage and strength of mind/Character. This business which will also be passed onto my family embeds the Holger Danske name for generations to come.

In any business I'm a part of I believe it's vital to align your own values/principles. It feels better, it's a natural form of accountability, it keeps you on track and is a huge motivator.

That is the story of Holger Danske.

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