Many of my clients buy Rainforest Remedies from me, and use them to great effect. I thought you might like to hear more about their origin and how effective they can be in addressing our common health issues.

My teacher of Maya Abdominal Therapy, Dr. Rosita Arvigo, moved to Belize in the early 1980s, where she still lives today. She was already a doctor of Naprapathy, a modality of medicine that encompasses both bodywork and herbs, when she met Don Elijio Panti, a traditional Maya healer with expertise in manual therapy and an encyclopedic knowledge of over 500 herbs from the rainforest surrounding his home. She became his apprentice and they worked closely together for over ten years, going on foot to the forest and mountainsides, machete in hand, to gather wild plants for medicinal use – as in the photo above. In addition she worked with a number of other traditional healers. The Rainforest Remedies were developed based on this knowledge. Most of the plants are not well-known outside the area, although they have been catalogued and studied in the Belize Project. Today the herbs are grown in Belize and shipped dry to practitioners like me, who soak them in jars of alcohol or vinegar for six weeks, after which the plant matter is strained out and the liquid, now infused with the healing properties of the plants involved, is bottled, labeled, and sealed.

 A vital component of all traditional herbal usage is respect and gratitude to the earth and to the spirit of the plant. If you'd like to learn more about Rosita's time with Don Elijio or read about the herbs in depth, I highly recommend her books, Sastun and Rainforest Remedies.

Rosita Arvigo | Sastun                  Rosita Arvigo | Rainforest Remedies

Although it is a common saying among herbalists that it's best to use herbs that grow in one's local area, the Rainforest Remedies are so effective, they warrant an exception. Because survival in their home environment is so demanding, the plants have developed a very strong character that offers humans many benefits, no matter where they live. It may be surprising to those accustomed to using pharmaceutical drugs that many of the formulas are indicated for a variety of conditions – for example Belly Be Good helps with both constipation and diarrhea. Rather than suppress symptoms, these formulas work to balance and normalize systems.

Among my clients the two most popular formulas are Belly Be Good and Female Tonic, followed by Male Tonic and Hortence's Formula. I make several other tonics, mostly for myself and family and friends, and I'd like to expand on those here as well.

A general note about all the formulas: for most of them, the usage instructions are simple, a full dropper three times a day in a little water. For more complex conditions, there might be usage variations which I will instruct you in as needed. My tonics come in 1 oz. or 2 oz. sizes; one ounce will last about ten days taken continually. I make most of them using Lvov potato vodka (celiac-safe); and in lesser quantities, organic apple cider vinegar. The vodka formulas can be mixed with a small amount of boiling water to evaporate the alcohol if desired. Another way to use them is as a tea, but for that, you must order the dry herbs yourself. If you wish to purchase the herbs or other products made with them, here is the source: Rainforest Remedies Ltd. (rainforestremediesusa.com)

Here's a brief rundown on each of the formulas I make – stocks vary, but I always have the top four, ask about others if they sound right for you. And do please ask me for further instructions if you are breastfeeding or wish to give to children, or to determine how or whether to use with any other medications you might be taking.



Contains: Man Vine (Securidata diversifola), Guineo (Agonandra sp.), Guaco (Aristolochia ordoratissima); either Lvov potato vodka or organic apple cider vinegar.

Smooth-muscle relaxant, nervine, anti-anxiety. Increases digestive juices by warming and relaxing the diaphragm and stomach muscles to improve production of digestive enzymes from the stomach, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder.

Indicated for temporary or chronic indigestion, gastritis, constipation, lack of appetite, sour burps, intestinal gas, colitis, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, nervous stomach, stomach cramps, intermittent diarrhea, and bloating.


Contains: Man Vine (Securidata diversifolia), Skunk Root (Chiococca alba), Copalchi Bark (Croton guatemalensis), Mexican Wild Yam (Dioscorea belizensis), China Root (Smilax lancelota), Billy Webb Bark (Sweetia panamensis), Lvov potato vodka or organic apple cider vinegar

Warms reproductive organs, mild antispasmodic on uterine muscles. Acts as uterine lavage (cleansing), removes accumulated, indurated pathologic debris caused by incompletely flushed menstrual fluids built up over time. Alleviates severe hormonal fluctuations of PMS and menopause. Full complement of iron and minerals. Skunk Root, the "shaman's herb," for clearer visions, insight, and depth of understanding. Regulates menstrual cycle, hormone-balancing.

Indicated for painful or irregular periods, dark, thick fluids and/or clots during menses, lower backache during menses, depression with PMS, menopausal symptoms, fertility-enhancing; hormonal migraines, amenorrhea unrelated to pregnancy, PCOS, diabetes, Clomid-induced ovarian cysts. For fibroids or endometriosis, start with Female Tonic and then move on to Hortence’s Formula, below.


Contains: Man Vine (Securidata diversifolia), Balsam Bark (Myroxylon pereira), Corn Silk (Zea mays), Lvov potato vodka

Antiseptic to urinary tract, removes mucus from kidney or bladder, improves sexual performance and stamina in men, relieves prostate swelling, clears prostate of accumulated debris, promotes circulation to sexual organs.

Indicated for erectile dysfunction, impotence, benign prostatic hyperplasia, kidney or bladder infection, dysuria (painful urination), prostatitis (not acute and/or infectious), kidney or bladder stones (not acute and/or infectious), Peyronie's disease (blocked ureters), aids sperm motility, chronic urinary tract infections (UTIs) in men or women (not acute).

To improve poor sperm morphology, take with Blood Tonic.



Contains: Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa), Oregano (Lippia graveolens), Rosemary (Rosamarinus officinalis), China Root (Smilax lanceolata), Mexican Wild Yam (Dioscorea belizensis), Billy Webb Bark (Sweetia panamensis), Cockspur Bark (Acacia cornijera), John Charles (Hyptis verticilata), Maguey Silvestre (Tradescantia spathacea), Lvov potato vodka

An especially powerful formula developed by famed Belizean herbalist/midwife Miss Hortence Robinson, its astringent herbs work to pinch the blood supply to fibroids, polyps, and errant uterine tissue. Without a blood supply, these loosen and fall away from their connection to the uterus, ovary, or other site. Other herbs work as a uterine flush to assist the body in eliminating the unwanted tissues vaginally. Magey Silvestre helps to reduce the potential for bleeding.

Indicated for uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine polyps, endometriosis.

This formula is to be used after the client has done well on Female Tonic and is performing self-care. See me for special instructions.

May cause increase in menstrual flow and the appearance of clots, which is part of the healing process.


Contains: Man Vine (Securidata diversifolia), Lvov potato vodka

Anti-anxiety, antidepressant, antispasmodic, anti-stress, anti-dyspeptic. For romantic loss, uncontrollable thoughts.

Indicated for nervousness, teeth-grinding, ADD in adults, insomnia, anxiety, stress, stress-related indigestion or gastritis, nervous animals or those who have experienced recent traumas, mild postpartum depression, times  of transition such as menopause, moving, job loss, empty nest, mild seasonal affective disorder, hearthache due to grief or loss.

Contraindicated for use in conjunction with antidepressant, mood-enhancing, antipsychotic, or anxiolytic medications, or antismoking medications.

 See me for dosage for insomnia and teeth-grinding or for acute or persistent symptoms.


Contains: Jackass Bitters (Neurolena lobata), Guava Leaf (Psidium guajava), Lvov potato vodka or organic apple cider vinegar

Antimicrobial, antidiarrheal (if caused by amoeba or parasite), anti-salmonella, antimalarial, anti-amoebic, antifungal, antiparasitic

Indicated for traveller's diarrhea, amoebas, intestinal parasites, salmonella poisoning, food poisoning, gastric distress, constipation. Can be used as prevention while travelling – take one dropperful once daily, increasing to 2 or 3 dropperfuls if water or food is suspect.

Contact me for detailed usage instructions for chronic parasites, constipation, or dosage for children.



Contains: China Root (Smilax lanceolata), Mexican Wild Yam (Dioscorea belizensis), Lvov potato vodka

Provides iron and multiple minerals in an easily assimilated, organic form, improving hemoglobin production. Aids kidney in blood detoxification. Helps eliminate harmful acids from the system. Eases pain, inflammation of rheumatism and arthritis; anti-inflammatory. Acts as a buffer for the acid-base balance system.

Indicated for rheumatism, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, fatigue, gout, toxic blood, inflammation, allergic reactions, fibromyalgia.

Note: use in conjunction with Female Tonic in cases of heavy menses. If symptoms are acute or persistent, dosages can be taken up to one every hour.


Contains: Strong Back (Desmodium abscendens), Mexican Wild Yam (Dioscorea belizensis), Man Vine (Securidata diversifolia)

Antispasmodic, kidney tonic, anti-asthmatic, smooth-muscle relaxant.

Indicated for muscle spasms, pain, muscle strain, overwork, sports injuries, stress, anxiety, back, neck, shoulder, or joint aches. Helpful for harsh, barking cough.

Dosage: One dropperful in a half glass of tepid water three to six times daily as needed; for severe, acute muscle spasms or backache, take one dropperful every twenty minutes until pain subsides, then continue dosage three times daily as needed. For immediate, acute onset of asthma, take six dropperfuls in a half glass of warm water and sip constantly. Repeat as needed until symptoms abate. Not indicated for a full-blown asthma attack.

For herniated disc pain, may offer only mild relief for muscle spasms around the disc. Contraindicated for antidepressants, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.



Contains: Jackass Bitters (Neurolena lobata), Garlic (Allium sativum), Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum annum), Lvov potato vodka

Antimicrobial, antiviral, anticholera, antifungal, anti-ringworm, anticandida, vaginal infection

Indicated for flu, colds, minor infections, sore throat, sinus congestion, athlete's foot, skin fungus, candida.

For flu and colds, one dropperful in a half glass of tepid water or juice every two hours until symptoms abate. Start taking as soon as symptoms are noticed. If symptoms persist, increase dosage up to one does every 30 minutes. For candida: one dropperful in a half glass of tepid water three times daily for three to six months.

Contraindicated for infants up to one year, people with heartburn, in pregnancy weeks 1-20.