June 14, 2022

Register Now for Microsoft Inspire!

By Microsoft Americas Partner Team

Register for Inspire July 19 - 20 2022

Registration is open!

Microsoft Inspire is the largest conference for Microsoft partners. The all-digital event will be held on July 19th and 20th and is provided at no cost. Register today and you – and your team – can experience Microsoft Inspire and access all the information and rich content shared during the event.

During Microsoft Inspire, partners from around the world come together to create and strengthen connections, build their business, empower possibilities, and celebrate together. It is our opportunity to discuss strategy, innovation, differentiation, growth and how we can best serve customers together, with inclusion and resilience.

Register Now

Insights, discussions, and results for partners

Wondering what Inspire is all about? Be inspired and learn about new business opportunities and solutions. Tune in to hear exciting announcements regarding topics such as feature releases and new programs. Join breakout sessions with subject matter experts and participate in live Q&A. Secure your spot in Local Connection sessions specific to US partners.

US General Session

Join Tyler Bryson, Corporate Vice President of GPS US, to hear about FY23 strategy and inspiring stories showcasing US Partners who are innovating and growing their businesses.

On-demand sessions

Over one hundred on-demand sessions will be made available. These breakout, workshop and deep dive sessions provide insights into the unique technology opportunities with Microsoft, from cloud to edge.

Stay tuned for more details and announcements as we get closer to the event.

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