Yes, this musician is playing a bass that looks like a giant iPhone

Whatever next?

Four-necked guitars, skoogs, scissors…. a whole host of weird and wonderful instruments and designs have been paraded on stage over the years.

The latest to make headlines? A bass guitar that looks like a giant iPhone.

As Kerrang reports, Stig Pedersen, bassist/vocalist of Danish rock band D-A-D, performed with what appeared to be his latest “crazy” bass model.

The band shared a video with the caption “Stigge’s new iPhone” via their Facebook page on Wednesday (August 8).


Stigge’s new iPhone.

Posted by D-A-D on Wednesday, August 8, 2018

A user commented below: “I posted a couple of photos of their two-string bass player and all his crazy basses. Well, I guess he’s got a new one. The iPhone bass.”

Other bandmembers appear to share ‘Stigge’s’ playfulness. In another video post, D-A-D guitarist, captioned as “Will”, hangs upside-down as while he performs.


D-A-D formed in Denmark in the early 1980s and made their international breakthrough in 1989 with ‘No Fuel Left for the Pilgrims’.

They are known for sometimes wearing costumes or decorating stages with strange items. In the mid 1990s, Stig dressed as a toreador and played an olive-shaped bass.

A biography on the band’s website mentions other instances, including when they displayed a 7-metre-long giant fish with lights to resemble the fish on the cover of their 1995 album, ‘Helpyourselfish’.

Stig playing an iPhone bass might not be that odd after all.

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