Who are the Purple Poo?

The Purple Poo, the oldest spirit organization in the state of Texas, have been raising the spirit of Oscar P for over 100 years. The group consists of 20 members – 10 men creating the Ten Tarleton Peppers (TTP) and 10 women who make up the Ten Tarleton Sisters (TTS), with the mission of promoting the spirit of Tarleton State. 

The Purple Poo disguise their identity through masks, coverings, and voice alteration. Senior members unmask at the Leadership and Service Awards Ceremony each April while others choose to have their pictures appear in the Grassburr. To learn more about the Purple Poo, check out the information below about Poo Signs, the Raising of Oscar P, and Purple Pigs. 

Purple Poo
Poo Signs
Poo Signs

The Purple Poo members gather to make "Poo Say" signs each Monday night. The "Poo Say" signs appear on campus every Tuesday morning and occasionally comment on campus political life and student life. The "Poo Say" signs are nailed to the trees on campus and most are designed to promote school spirit.

Calling Oscar P
Oscar P

At various student activities, the Purple Poo rally Tarleton students by raising the spirit of Oscar P. This is done by kneeling and pounding the ground while calling out “Hey, Oscar P.”

Purple Pig
Purple Pig

During Dr. Thompson’s tenure, graduating members of the Purple Poo began slipping the president a small purple pig when shaking his hand on the commencement stage. The tradition continues.

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Formed when Tarleton was a junior college, the Ten Tarleton Peppers (TTP) and Ten Tarleton Sisters (TTS) are the two oldest organizations on campus. These spirit organizations for men and women were formed in 1921 and 1923 respectively. New members of these secret organizations are selected by current members. When first organized, the two groups met late at night and prepared signs for upcoming athletic events. The basic signs at this time were made of canvas and were stretched between trees on the campus. The clubs met in the attic of the old recreation hall which is now the Administration Annex. The identities of the senior members were disclosed in group photos when the yearbooks were distributed. Senior members stood facing the camera while others faced away from the camera with various and sundry items placed over their heads. The groups are sponsored by faculty and staff members.

ttp tts