Don't Worry, Barack Obama and Joe Biden Are Still Best Friends

Their warm embraces live on post-White House.
Image may contain Audience Human Crowd Person Joe Biden Coat Clothing Suit Overcoat Apparel and Barack Obama
Mitchell Layton/Getty Images

Now that Barack Obama and Joe Biden are no longer in office, the internet has been forced to rely on old memes as a reminder of the greatest friendship that ever existed. As it turns out, just because their job descriptions have changed, doesn't mean that their friendship is over.

“The bromance continues. It’s not ended,” Obama's chief of staff, Anita Decker Breckenridge, tells People in the magazine's newest cover story. “That’s one of the things I would say, you know…What does he [Obama] miss about the White House? I mean, they had lunch every single week for eight years.” She confirms that they have seen each other and are still in touch. (Fingers crossed that this means new BFF-themed memes are in our future.)

According to People, the first time the former president and former vice president saw each other after January 20, the day of Donald Trump's inauguration, was at a "homey" reception at the Obamas' new offices, which apparently involved "grocery-store cheese platter and some bottles of wine on a folding table."

“The vice president walked in and he and President Obama embraced and then immediately clicked back into the relationship they had working together,” former White House press aide Peter Velz tells People. “It was really nice to see, just how warm the vice president’s reception was.”

As you can imagine, it probably went something like this:

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Before leaving office, Biden told CNBC that he and Obama were "still going to hang a little bit." And in President Obama's farewell speech, he referred to Vice President Biden as "a brother" and called their friendship "one of the great joys of life."

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Another source tells People that the pair have played "a few rounds of golf" since leaving office. No word on if there have been any post-golf ice cream dates, but the internet can certainly dream.

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Related: These Photos of Barack Obama and Joe Biden as Little Kids Are Too Cute for Words

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