Business | Spoiling shipping for a ha’p’orth of tar

Sulphur-emissions rules for shipping will worsen global warming

The IMO’s rules could also wipe 3% off America’s GDP


DP WORLD LONDON GATEWAY, a container terminal on the Thames estuary, is Britain’s fastest-growing port. The borough of Thurrock, where the port is situated, has the country’s third-worst levels of air pollution, in part because of fumes spewed out by ships in the port. Upriver, in London, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), the United Nations agency for shipping, began a meeting on October 22nd aimed at taking action against air pollution. But new rules to make ships cleaner will impose crippling costs on the industry while worsening global warming.

The IMO will cut emissions of sulphur either by reducing its content in marine fuel from 3.5% to 0.5% from 2020 or by requiring ships to remove it from exhaust fumes. Sulphur from ships causes acid rain and air pollution, which contributes to between 212,000 and 595,000 premature deaths a year and 14m cases of childhood asthma, according to research published in Nature Communications in February.

This article appeared in the Business section of the print edition under the headline “Spoil shipping for a ha’p’orth of tar”

Aussie rules: What Australia can teach the world

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