Marc Glucksman’s Post

B&O Unlocked. The B&O Railroad Museum is running a year long program in 2024 to allow visitors to go inside of a different piece of equipment each month on select days. In January it was former Baltimore & Ohio Railroad CE-15 (CE = Civil Engineering) Tunnel Clearance Car, aka "the porcupine". Built by placing a caboose body on a flat car, the steel quills would be extended to check clearances while employees recored the information. Possibly the sole surviving in clearance car in existence, CE-15 was manufactured at the Mt. Clare shops, the current site of the B&O Railroad Museum, and was the B&O's only clearance car. Full resolution pics and prints:

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Mark Osborne

Wabtec - GE Transportation


Scott Munerance - you have one of these in your collection?


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